It was for work purposes, of course – we were about to post our 12WBT lamington recipe yesterday, and the dish needed to be tested before it went live. Being the diligent employees that they are, Fleur and Larah from the 12WBT marketing team agreed to hit the kitchen to take the cooking method for a test drive.
Chocolate was melted, arm muscles were tested through vigorous hand whisking, and colleagues were impressed. These ladies know how to make a MEAN lamington!
Since Fleur and Larah are now chocolate sponge specialists, they thought they’d share some tips and tidbits to help your lamingtons be as successful as theirs.

Larah: We used supermarket cocoa powder in the icing, but weren’t very happy with it. It didn’t taste that chocolatey. We’d recommend using dutch (sometimes called dutch-process) cocoa powder instead of the natural cocoa powder that we used. Dutch cocoa is made from cocoa beans that have been washed with a potassium solution to neutralise their acidity. The powder ends up darker, and has a smoother flavour. Adding quality dark chocolate would have also helped, but you’d have to be mindful of the extra calories.

I would love u guys to post all these lovely low cal recipes and i will definitely try them out on my gym buddies here in the U.K
Give them a taste of Australia ! 🙂
These looks amazing! Will make for our first Australia Day here in 13 years. At lovely pearl beach!, hot team !!!!!!
Hi there 🙂 How do I subscribe to the Blog? I am a current 12 wbt member and have subscribed for the next round. I have never seen this blog though 🙁 The block on the right where it says subscribe to the blog doesn’t want to work for me. Can you advise please?
Many thanks
Hey Lynda,
Oops looks like we have a tech issue. I will let our tech team know and let you know when it is fixed.
Thanks for letting us know!