
What Is Your ‘Ideal’ Healthy Weight?

healthy weight

Back in the 1980s, this question was answered for EVERYONE with a simple chart which determined you to be either Underweight, Healthy, Overweight, Obese or Morbidly Obese. This chart didn’t consider your muscle mass, bone density, genetics or lifestyle. So, what does 2019 have to say about our ideal healthy weight, or how much we should weigh?


Firstly, some mindset truths…

The real question we should be asking ourselves is ‘How good should I feel?’ When you eat, exercise and set your mindset to feeling good the chances are you will naturally gravitate towards healthy, feel-good foods – seriously! And when you are properly nourished, you will just feel like moving and exercising more, as this is what a healthy body loves to do!

All healthy habits start with a healthy mindset, so if you’re one to judge yourself harshly on the number on the scales, it’s time to reframe the narrative. Because being healthy and feeling good should be the goal, not weighing the same you did at 20 or 30. Being hypercritical can lead to poor eating, skipping meals, malnourishment and weighing more than you did in the very first place. 


  1. So, what is my ideal healthy weight? 
  2. Whatever weight you’re at your healthiest, have the most energy and have the biggest smile on your face 🙂

Okay, Tim, but what’s the best way to measure myself and weigh up expectations?

Now that you’ve stopped judging yourself according to your body’s gravitational pull towards the earth’s core (otherwise known as your weight – truly), is there a better way to indicate good health? 

I thought you’d never ask 😉

Waist to Hip Ratio aka WHR

As the name suggests this is comparing your waist and hip circumference. The waist measurement is taken at the smallest part of your trunk, usually just above the belly button, and your hips/butt measurement is taken at the widest circumference.

Your butt should always be bigger than your belly. So, for healthy females this ratio should be .80 or under and for men 0.90 or under.

The reason I like the WHR is that it’s fast to compare, easy to understand, inexpensive to calculate and is relatively accurate.

Regardless of gender, genetics, muscle mass or bone density, if your waist is significantly bigger than your hips then you will have a greater chance of developing:

  1. Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Cardiovascular diseases
  3. Infertility
  4. Some cancers including ovarian and prostate

These are real and common health issues that are affecting more and more people across the globe. This is why your ‘weight’ should always be looked at alongside your ‘physical’ health. Because what tends to really matter is the excess fat you may be carrying around your vital internal organs (located around your trunk). 

Final Thoughts

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is about much more than the number on the scales. Sure, we all want to look and feel our ‘version’ of fantastic, with all the benefits to our self-esteem that this brings. But more importantly, being in a positive mindset and having a healthy WHR is what is vital for our health and wellbeing, and what minimises our risk of serious diseases and illnesses.

So don’t wait until your 70’s until you let go of the superficial number on the scales! Right now, THIS very second, wise up and forget about your dream number on the scales and start focusing on your overall health, happiness and the all-important WHR. Don’t rush your weight loss journey because, with the right mindset and the right nutrition and fitness tools, everything will fall into place. 

For more guidance on weight loss, or to get your nutrition and fitness on track, visit us here

Tim Pittorino, BHSC
Tim has been working in the Fitness Industry for over 25 years as Personal trainer, holistic health coach as well as an Australian strength & conditioning coach. Tim has a degree in Health Science and is currently completing a Masters in Human Nutrition. After studying all things physiological for 20 years Tim now enjoys branching out into the other areas of wellness including mental health and emotional resilience. Tim’s lifetime goal is to see just how good the human body can feel, he loves to continually experiment with tried and proven methods as well as trying all the cool new findings.

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