
Top 5: Mindset Motivators

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Doubting whether you can do this? These five inspiring 12WBTers learned how to put mind over matter and smash their goals–just like you can! Read our Top 5 Mindset Makeover Success Stories below & you’re sure to find through reading the stories of these five amazing transformations, five reasons that you too could conquer almost any situation if you put mind over matter!

40 and Fabulous

At 39, Sandra was a mum on a mission: she wanted to lose 40 kilos by her 40th birthday. Tired of having a wardrobe full of clothes that didn’t fit, and a body that ached from the strain of carrying around its 130 kilos, the mum of two wanted to stop saying no to social invitations and start living. With baby steps that included stopping the secret visits to McDonalds before work and beginning Michelle Bridges DVD workouts even when she couldn’t finish them, Sandra shed 21 kilos in her first round. With support from her family and the 12WBT forums, Sandra celebrated her 40th birthday four rounds later and 39 kilos lighter!

Sandra’s Secret: “Stay connected in the Forums! One reason why 12WBT is successful is because you can find and connect with people in the same boat as you. The sharing of stories is important, if everyone was quiet and no one told their story it wouldn’t work. That community makes a huge difference.”

Read the full story here.

Learning to Live

For almost her whole life, Sarah had been overweight, but until she turned 25 and hit 160 kilos, she’d tried to embrace everything that came her way, regardless of her size. When her doctor advised her not to take part in a boot camp because she was at risk of a heart attack – and she realized she couldn’t go on a ski trip because the pants wouldn’t fit her – Sarah finally realized she needed to make a change.  She bought a bike and started riding around Adelaide (even though her first trip left her teary), started eating fresh vegetables for the first time and learned how to cook instead of relying on takeaways. After one round, Sarah lost 30 kilos, and a year later she’s down 70 kilos, has joined a rugby team and loves nothing better than posting a progress shot on her popular Instagram page. Go Sarah!

Sarah’s Top Tip: “Celebrate every little victory – don’t wait for a number on the scales to give yourself a pat on the back. Every gram or centimetre lost or fitness test accomplished is an improvement in your health and fitness. Every day you wake up and make positive choices in your life is a day you’re choosing what your life looks like and who you choose to share it with.”

Read the full story here.

Third Time Lucky

Kacey knows all about feeling unmotivated – she signed up for two rounds of 12WBT and didn’t even try cooking a recipe once! But when the mum of three gave it one more shot, after finding herself wearing her biggest dress size ever, she went at it full tilt. It wasn’t all smooth sailing though: Kacey faced skepticism from friends and family who’d seen her try to lose weight before, and had to fight hardest against her own internal voice telling her she’d never be able to do it. But 12 weeks later, Kacey shut her inner critic down with a whopping 24 kilo loss – and a Top Transformation Award.

Kacey’s Advice: “I was looking for people to support me so I could find the strength to transform. Give it a go, do your best and you’ll succeed. Don’t worry about your family not being into it, they’ll go with it. Just don’t expect other people to get you there, you have to do it yourself.”

Read the full story here.

Fighting (un)Fit

Nick was pumped when he signed up for 12WBT with his wife, who’d previously lost weight with the program. He didn’t need to lose much weight, but Nick wanted to up his fitness and gain some muscle. Halfway through the round, though, Nick injured his shoulder, and then two weeks later he busted his Achilles tendon – which meant he wouldn’t be able to bear weight on his injured leg for months. But while most of us would admit defeat, Nick fought on: he cycled with one leg on a recumbent bike, and bought a wheelchair to get in some hard core upper body work – hauling himself around! Despite his injuries, Nick lost 5.4 kilos and added the lean muscle he wanted.

Nick’s Know-How: “You might have setbacks, but there’s generally a way around it. If you’re injured, don’t look at what you can’t do – look at what you can do.”

Read the full story here.

Leaving Excuses Behind

Every year she could remember, Karen had made the New Year’s resolution to lose weight. But emotional eating – and excuses not to exercise – always came between Karen and her goal. Until, that is, a friend told her about 12WBT and she bit the bullet. Progress was slow, and Karen didn’t lose much weight during the first round – but she kept going. By the time she had lost 15 kilos, Karen began to believe in herself. So much so, that a year later she weighed 26 kilos less and decided to pursue a new career – in the police force!

Karen Says: “Be consistent. Sometimes you’re going to have a good result or a bad result, but it’s what you do day in, day out that will bring you success. And make small goals so that they’re achievable. I broke my weight down into five-kilo blocks and I would cross them off on my calendar.”

Read the full story here.

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