
5 Awesome Hacks For Organising Your Kitchen


Reviewed by: Erica Grandjean, APD, BNutr&Diet

Being organised is essential when you’re watching what you eat! As we all know, a tidy kitchen equals a tidy mind.

You’re less likely to fall into old traps if you’ve got everything you need to make the right choice at your fingertips.

Here are some surprisingly brilliant hacks for organising your kitchen.

Hack 1: Be kind to leftovers

What: Instead of shoving leftovers into a plastic container, or worse, covering with a flimsy piece of foil, invest in some nice glass containers and portion out leftovers into individual serves.

Why: If leftovers look this good you’re more likely to eat them!

Hack 2: Have a dedicated snack tray

What: Spend a few hours once a week creating little sealed snack pots – nuts, chopped fruit, hummus with veggies – and placing them on their own dedicated snack tray in the fridge.

Why: Having carefully portioned snacks ready to go is a lifesaver when it comes to resisting chocolate, lollies or any other sugar-laden food.

Also read: 10 Snacks to Have in Your Desk Drawer

Hack 3: Chop veggies in advance

What: Chop a large amount of veggies in one go and place in airtight containers in the fridge. Keep all veggies separate and make sure onions are tightly sealed!

Why: You’ll be more likely to include veggies in your cooking if there’s no effort involved.

Hack 4: Decant your lettuce

What: Every week, have a good amount of fresh lettuce (rocket, iceberg or even spinach leaves) washed and kept in an airtight container. Make sure the leaves have room to breathe.

Why: Lettuce is a great base for side salads or sandwiches; the easier it is to add a few leaves here or there, the better!

Hack 5: Pre-slice and grate your cheese

What: Take one regular block of cheese and grate half, then slice the other. Store both in separate containers.

Why: Everyone loves cheese – but the calories can quickly add up if you’re not careful with portion size. Having it ready to go saves time and effort.

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