So, I am back. After first doing 12WBT in August 2011, losing 14 kilos in my first round, and eventually a total of 21 kilos, learning to run (and running my first 10km and then half-marathon), you would think I might have learned something.
And I did.
For three years, I exercised 4-5 times a week (at least), meal-planned every week and kept the weight off despite having a busy job and enjoying a pretty packed social life.
But as we prepared to come back to Australia about this time last year, the wheels fell off and I started to put on weight. I signed up to a Round ready to start a couple of days after we arrived back in Australia in June 2014. It was a disaster. We were travelling, catching up with friends, moving states, setting up a house. In the past nine months I have tried to eat well, and I was exercising fairly regularly.
I kept telling myself that I just needed to menu plan, as I have all the 12WBT recipes saved into a folder over the many rounds I’ve done along with the exercise plans. But I wasn’t losing weight and in the past week, I have had to concede that I now need to lose about 10-12 kilos. I kept telling myself I couldn’t justify this expense but then I realised, if I don’t do something soon, I’ll be paying money for new clothes that fit, despite having a huge wardrobe of clothes.

But here I am back in Australia, in a whole new place, juggling study, setting up a business, keeping the house clean, washing, doing the school run, shopping and cooking. I feel like I should have all the time in the world but I don’t. On top of that, living in a wine region, with a husband working in the industry means there has been way too much wine consumed. And then there is the novelty of the supermarket and also being surrounded by great local produce and having time to bake.
So, it is probably no wonder that I am sitting here, feeling uncomfortable with too many fat rolls and stressing every time I need to find something to wear. But, here I am again because I know that 12WBT works. I’m also excited that it has grown as much as it has, and from the emails I have continued to receive, I know it has changed a lot.
So I’m approaching this round like it is my first round of 12WBT, because in reality, it is my first time as a regular wife and mum back in Australia, juggling study, starting a new business, housework and family. I’m scared and excited – but no more excuses. It will be worth it!
Join 12WBT and get access to our brand-new Express Workouts, PLUS Meal and Exercise Plans, Mindset Videos, and access to our Exercise Index, Recipe Library, Member Zone and more.
Every time a round comes around I want to join but, I keep thinking of things coming up and don’t. But I do want to loose weight. If I join now we have a trip to Sydney the first week and I won’t be able to eat what I’m suppose too and I won’t be able to exercise. What do you suggest I do?
Hi Karen,
There are always ‘red flag’ situations that come up for members over the course of a round – this is life! Learning how to work around them is a skill that will serve you well once the round is complete. If you are not able to follow the Exercise and Meal Plans for a week, that is ok – just make smart choices with the food you do have access to, and plan to slip in incidental exercise. 5 mins of skipping (either with a real skipping rope which is a very small and easy to pack piece of equipment, or just pretend!) a day is a great option and you could do some push ups, squats and sit ups in your room each day to round out your workout. Check out this blog for more inspiration
Check out these blogs for ideas on how to make smart choices with food when eating out
As soon as you are back from your trip, you can start following your Meal and Exercise Plans and you will be in your routine in no time! Come and be part of the team – head to to join us today.
With only 1week of preseason left before next round, is it worthwhile to join late, or best to wait for next round?
Hi Bronwyn,
Good question and the answer is “That depends!”. Pre-Season is a vital part of 12WBT so it is very important that you do complete all your Pre-Season Tasks completely and wholeheartedly. If you are an organised person and you have time in your week to double up on completing your tasks, so that you can get them done prior to kick off (you might decide that you will complete half this week and half through the first week of the Round and that would work too. Make sure that you do your Fitness Test, Measure Up and Set Your Goal tasks in this last week of Pre-Season), then joining the June Round will work for you. If you know that you wont have time and the thought of trying to cram everything in causes you stress and worry, then wait for the upcoming Aug Round. Aug Round opens for sign ups on Mon 15th June and its Pre-Season starts on Mon 22nd June. Whichever round you choose to do, here is the link to sign up we are looking forward to having you on the team!
Hi,thinking about joining the June program,my only concern is lunches -I am on the road all week and preparing and storing food during the day is time consuming, are there “on the go” healthy options available if you need to buy lunches?
Hey Penny,
The 12WBT Meal Plans can be customised to suit, with options for things like wraps and sandwiches which you could prepare in your room in the morning (or night before) and pack in your esky for your travels through the day. There are lots of other options that you can get advice on in the Member Zone (from the 12WBT Dietitian Support Crew and other experienced members) such as what foods you can take with you on the road as snacks (think tins of tuna, kidney beans and the like). Come and be part of the team – head to to join us today!
well here I am coming into week 4…. I haven’t followed the program.avoided reminder emails and not exercised. feeling ashamed that I have gained back so much weight……reading your stories is heartening. the shame is keeping me far too go it feels rather overwhelming.
today I am looking up the recipes, shopping list and re-committing. can I start with week 4 meal plans now or should I go back to the start??…
Hi there,
We’re sorry to hear you’re feeling a bit stuck at the moment. The great thing is that you are still here, still connected (even if it’s only just!) and determined to not let the rest of the Round slip away from you. Today, start with the Week 4 Meal Plans and continue moving through the Round with the rest of the Team.
Change can be hard and overwhelming and scary and all of those things. However, it will always be worth it, rewarding and empowering. This is just the start – there will be ups and downs but as long as you keep doing the best that you can, you’ll keep moving towards your goals. Head back to your Pre-Season Tasks ( to remember why you joined and what you can do to make the next 9 weeks awesome! As hard as it can be, commit to watching Michelle’s Mindset Lessons each week – they really do make a difference!
You’ve got this! If you need anything, post an update in the Member Zone or email us at We are here to help. 🙂
I would like to know the cost of the program and a bit more information of what it entails. Where can I get this info ? Many thanks,
Ruth Larkman
Hi Ruth,
Shoot an email through to so we can answer your specific questions 🙂
OMG. I think we are twins! My story is exactly the same and I have gone into this round with fresh eyes and new determination. I am trying to focus on how good I felt 3 years ago and how proud of myself I was. Good luck to everyone who is in the same situation. We can do it!
Thanks for sharing your story, Ange. I’m back after going miserably last time a couple of years ago (internalised shame was holding me back). I was afraid to return, afraid of failure, but courageous stories like yours, and so many other WBTers, are inspiring. This time I’m iall in – planning, cooking, weighing, training – and after two days I feel better already.
Your journey continues to be an inspiration Angela! I am back to 12WBT for the May round too and expecting to kick some big goals especially with regard to exercise (a brave new world for me!)
Tears rolling down my cheeks as I read your story. It is so much like mine. I am so disappointed in myself that I gained weight and have to start again. You have inspired me to do this again. Thank you so much. Bless you xx
Thanks Sara. I think there is nothing wrong with coming back and resetting. Look forward to hearing how you do!
Well said Angela! I too did 12wbt in 2011 – a Huggies round just for mums! It was great and I lost weight and felt on top of the world, but 4 years later, the wheels have completely fallen off and I can no longer tell myself that I can do it alone. I have tried redoing it myself but the support in the forums really helped me last time and I feel that’s what I’m missing.
Here’s hoping I can give it a good crack this time round too!! Good luck