
How I Lost 40 Kilos: Kelly’s 12WBT Story

I joined 12WBT after a dinner date with my husband.  I was wedged into a restaurant dining chair, completely numb from the hips down (a regular occurrence whenever I sat).  While he ordered our meals, I took out my phone and wrote a list called ‘Pros to losing weight’.

The next day, I looked at the list and decided it was time for another half-hearted attempt.  I signed up for 12WBT, although I believed that I would fail, even as I did the Pre Season Tasks.  I wrote down wanting to lose 10 kilos and remember saying to myself aloud that I’d never do it.  My husband rolled his eyes when I told him I’d joined.

(To start your own 12WBT journey, click here).

I decided to set myself an overall weight loss goal of 40kgs, which would get me back to the weight I was when I met my husband.


My first week on the program was a nightmare, and I almost did give up… again.  Looking at the big picture was too hard, so I decided to adopt the mantra “one meal at a time”.  I would only focus on the next meal, not the day’s plan, or the week’s.  Just one meal.  Slowly but surely it got easier.

I reached my 10kg goal after six weeks, and adjusted it to lose 15kg in the round, which I reached on the very last day.

After ten weeks, my doctor took me off my blood pressure medication – in just 10 weeks my blood pressure had dropped from 160/110 to a perfect 120/80.

Kelly and Mish

I reached my 40kg milestone just a few days before I met Mish on her tour at Westfield Chermside, and it was amazing to be able to personally thank her and tell her that I’d lost 40kg!  It feels surreal, and most days I struggle to believe that I’ve actually done it.

Mish asked me what was different this time – why had I succeeded?  I said it’s because I finally realised I’m worth it.

Now I’ve moved my goal weight, and I’m aiming to lose 56kg all up.  I couldn’t have done it without the support of fellow 12WBTer Catherine (who is now a friend for life) and other wonderful people I’ve met doing 12WBT.

“One meal at a time” is still my catchphrase.  When I find myself wanting to comfort eat and old habits are creeping back in, I take it back to the basics.

I’ve learned how to look after myself, trust myself, and I’m slowly starting to love myself.  I know there’s no going back for me now – I am worth more than that.


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  1. CONGRATULATIONS Kelly!!! And I want to thank you so much for sharing your story! I have had weight loss success myself but sadly I did let old habits creep in and now have some weight to dump again… Your “one meal at a time” mantra is now my mantra! You are truly inspirational and I wish you all the very best in your new found self!!! AH-MAAA-ZING!!!

  2. Your an inspiration Kelly !! well done for all your hard work !!

  3. Good work girl!!

  4. As a nurse your drop in blood pressure in just 10 weeks has flawed me. Wow, wow, wow!!!! When it all comes down to it, it is about our health. You go girl, you look amazing! X

  5. What a fantastic result…MB program is fantastic..Even my 8 years old girl loves her videos…Love to you all…

  6. Well done Kelly.. I opted for the surgical option but still have 20kg to lose after being the same weight for a year. I DEEPLY regret having a gastric bypass now and should have just sucked it up and worked out. I can’t get the surgery undone now, but I am now pounding the weights and gym to lose the last bit.
    You should be 110% proud of yourself, and everyone else who attends should be proud of yourselves too. You CAN do it!

  7. Congrats you are truly amazing, just wondering how much of the exercise plan did you do, I find that for me I can’t stay motivated to move. Someone mentioned you went for lunchtime walks what else did you do it can you recommend to someone like me that struggles with the exercise part

    1. I always enjoyed weight training but the last time I did it was 20yrs ago. I found that after my first visit to the gym, I was hooked. Perhaps you should look for someone to walk/exercise with you? Where do you live? If you are close to me I would….

  8. I have now written down ‘one meal at a time’ and put it on the pantry door. Thank you for the inspiration. Best of luck with everything in the future.

  9. Tears of joy for you! You looked like a friend of mine b4 you started this journey! Oh how I wish my friend loves herself enough to do 12WBT. I did it two years ago and it was brilliant.
    Good luck to you!

  10. What a great story, i have been on steroids for a auto immune disorder that was diagnosed just after Xmas. It effects all the joints in my body and causes me quite a bit of pain
    I have gone from being extremely active to not being able to walk without pain.
    Needless to say I have put on weight, your story is so good, I am hoping to be able to do the 12WBT. Any advice?
    From a fan.

  11. Fantastic ! Inspiring !

  12. Kelly you are amazing! Good on you for working hard and achieving your goals. You are worth it and so inspiring. Love your focus of one meal at a time. well done!! 🙂 you should be so proud.

  13. WOW – Kelly you look fabulous! Look how far you have come, keep going you are an inspiration 🙂

  14. Smokin’ Kel. You look so beautiful and healthy. Although I don’t work directly with you anymore, I would still see your commitment to your goal as you go for your lunchtime walk. You should be so proud of yourself and of the inner strength you obviously have.

  15. What can I say to Kelly, You are a amazing person.

    You inspire us all, next round here I come.
    Thank you for sharing your journey.

  16. Why is Mish’s plan so different?
    Yes I have tried Weight watchers, Toni what’s his name, diet rite, rapidloss. But this has work for me because I have given myself permission to let it work. 6kg isn’t huge , but for the first time in my LIFE I can jog 1km.
    All the planets were aligned and my husband has been the best training buddy ever. Last week I had a terrible aching flu and felt like i wasn’t going to get on the wagon again, but I am. Now I’m off for a 3 month holiday OS and I can’t wait to climb some mountains and swim some seas. I probably have another 10kgs to lose, but this time I don’t think its impossible. I have the tools, and I’ll take them with me, and come back even lighter. Long term goal is to go under the 80cm waist recommended. For now I am blown away by a BP of 112/75 after previously being on meds for high BP.
    if I can,You can do it!

  17. I really like do lose 10kg how can you help me to lose this kg I want to know please.

  18. Oh my goodness! You look amazing and worked hard to achieve the loss. I am going to use your “one meal at a time” mantra. Well done, you are an inspiration

  19. Amazing story and very inspirational. Keep going and I hope you reach all your goals in life, because you are worth it : )

  20. Any disbelievers of this girl Kelly< I know her personally and she has worked very hard to do this. So maybe negative people should keep there comments to themselves. Donna

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